News from Dark Troll Festival

News Message from 02.02.2025
In Vain @ Dark Troll
Let's reveal the first of the four remaining bands.
First up are the progressive extreme metallers In Vain. Founded in 2003, the band from the beautiful south of Norway has released two EPs and five albums till now. They have proven in the past, both at various festivals and on European tours, that they captivate audiences with their dynamic compositions. They continue this with their recently released album “Solemn” and show us once again what a driving force they are. It was also deservedly named on countless lists of the best albums of 2024.
We are delighted to finally be able to bring the band back to Germany.

Here is a song from their latest album:

News Message from 29.12.2024
Wolfchant @ Dark Troll
Some of you who might discovered it in one of our previous posts.
Driving, epic metal paired with catchy melodies and riffs, plus the combination of aggressive screams and sublime clean vocals and you have the unmistakable sound of our loyal companions and friends from Wolfchant, who are finally returning to the castle after 2022 with a spectacular performance.

Here is probably the band's most iconic song re-recorded:

News Message from 22.12.2024
Ereb Altor @ Dark Troll
Probably very few people expected this

News Message from 08.12.2024
Convictive @ Dark Troll
December isn't dark enough for us yet, so we thought we should change that with another dose of Black Metal.
Founded in 2015, the band released their latest album at the end of September this year, striking a chord that is simply impossible to ignore.
With brutal sounds, surrounded by melancholic and gloomy melodies, they dedicate themselves to the various aspects of existence. A journey through the deep human abyss, light, darkness and everything the soul experiences between origin and demise.
An exceptional live performance of raging guitar riffs, thundering drums and ripping vocals from front woman Nova will be presented by Convictive!

Here is a song from the current album “Rastlos”:

News Message from 24.11.2024
Sun Of The Sleepless @ Dark Troll
Markus Stock with two projects at the castle?
We won't say no.
After 2019, he returns with Sun Of The Sleepless for a 2025 exclusive show to surround the old walls with his poetic black metal laments, brimming with cold and dense atmosphere.
Formed in 1998, the band has released one EP, one 7” and one album till now.
His music also appeared on four splits.
We look forward to icy, poetic and deep black metal.

Here is a audio sample:

News Message from 10.11.2024
Gjallar @ Dark Troll
Falkenbach at the castle?
We certainly won't say "no" to that. Since the band will unfortunately never play live, we are delighted that this young band from Saxony has made it their mission to honor the masterpieces of the legendary Vratyas Vakyas and presenting them live.
The band which was founded at the beginning of 2023, will present songs from all creative phases and albums.
This is the first time we are inviting a tribute band and we are delighted that Gjallar celebrating their debut at our festival which means we all can finally enjoying "Falkenbach live" for the first time ever!

Song snippets can already be heard on their Instagram account.
And here a song by the legend itself:

News Message from 27.10.2024
Inquistion @ Dark Troll
Before we take a short break from announcements, we wanted to reveal another huge black metal band.
The American musicians with a Colombian background celebrating worldwide success. They have been active since 1988 and have released a demo, two splits, three EPs and nine albums till now.
The band themselves see their music as rituals in which the vocals are used to conjure up ancient gods, the drums act as pagan war drums and the guitar is used to summon demons.
We are very pleased that INQUISITION Official will be holding one of their live rituals at our festival!

Here is a song of their album “Black Mass for a Mass Grave”:

News Message from 20.10.2024
Tarabas @ Dark Troll
The next band was formed in 2004 and released two albums and a demo till 2010. Unfortunately, that was the end of the band - until now! After 14 years, they have returned and released an EP called “Ära” at the end of June via their former label and our friends from TrollZorn.
The Melodic Death / Pagan Metallers from Magdeburg deal in their music with authenticity, loyalty, individuality, self-discovery and self-realization as well as contemporary philosophical questions of worldview and anthropological social criticism.
We are really looking forward to seeing our “old” companions from Tarabas Band!

Here is a song from the EP in question:

News Message from 13.10.2024
Sworn @ Dark Troll
There's still a portion of Norwegian black metal missing in our line-up.
It's been a while since they played in Germany, so we're more than pleased that we can finally change that, as their latest album “A Journey Told Through Fire” is currently playing on repeat.
The Bergen-based band has released four albums, a demo and an EP to date, in which the soul of melodic black metal is embodied by an emotive aura paired with furious energy.
SWORN offer a sonic journey into a realm where atmosphere and intensity come together.

Here is a song from the current album:

News Message from 06.10.2024
Abglanz @ Dark Troll
The following band from the beautiful Harz region is not unknown to us. In 2022, they already tore up our stage at our little sister festival, the Fimbul Festival, with their spherical, dark sounds.
Inspired by the deep dark forests, the rugged mountain landscape, the legends and myths of their homeland, as well as the occult and human abysses, the band has been able to record a number of successes in the meantime.
In addition to playing festivals in the summer, they recently played a European tour in well-known clubs to celebrate their debut album “Dawn of Eternal Existence”, which was released a month ago.
We're looking forward to our friends of Abglanz.

You can listen to the debut in full length here: